Our daily programme is shared with our families on Storypark. Here you will see what we get up to at preschool each day and it’s also an invitation to add ideas, suggestions and comments regarding your child’s interests, learning goals and experiences.

At times the programme is not followed exactly as spontaneous experiences and children’s interests come up during the day and sometimes we head in a different direction.

A little about our process….
Our curriculum is written by our teachers each week. We use a combination of observations of the children, developmental assessments, family input and the children's input to programme activities and experiences. We offer a play based programme, where the children learn through all of their senses, through social interactions and by intentional teaching from educators. We follow The Early Years Learning Framework, The National Quality Standards and the Education and Care Services National Regulations. Our curriculum and practice is guided by developmental theorists and research and our educators attend regular seminars and workshops to keep their knowledge up to date.